Sunday, April 4, 2010

Post 7

Well, tomorrow I plan on videoing my students for the first time so that I can finalize my engagement checklist. I really appreciate the suggestions that everyone has given me on what I can do with my checklist. I have decided to go with videoing my students first so that I can gauge what I will include on my checklist, then on Friday, I will video my class again to see what improvements have or have not been made. I am really excited to implement this unit on How Things Move. I think that my students will really be engaged when we add in the websites and the computer activities on movement... I really want this to go well!

I feel that if I can get my students to be more motivated to learn, then I will really see improvements with those students who really struggle with paying attention. Especially the ones that I always find myself calling on because I KNOW they're not paying attention and I so desperately want them to be engaged!


  1. I love the idea of doing a before and after video. I'm excited to see the difference in their learning. : ) Good luck with the video, can't wait to see it on VIMEO.

  2. I agree with Julie- I too really like the idea of the before and after video and really love that you are focusing on engagement. I agree if you get them hooked then behaviors will certainly improve- good luck- can't wait to hear how it goes.
